#VMlovelockwall @ Vaughan Mills – Help Toronto SickKids!

Give love this Christmas by decorating your keypsake charm on the #VMlovelockwall at Vaughan Mills and support SickKids Toronto!

Vaughan Mills Give to SickkidsHey guys!

Christmas is coming up in less then 2 weeks, I guess a lot of us are really busy preparing gifts and parties with our love ones. However, some of us might not have such an opportunity if their little ones are sick and require extra care.

With this post, I hope to raise the awareness of Toronto Sick Kids Charity. I was very honoured to be invited by Katie Zappieri (who is the Founder of The Pink Box & GIRL TALK Empowerment) to the Give Love to SickKids Charity event at Vaughan Mills Outlet Mall in the suburb of Toronto. This event is to help raise funds for The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in downtown Toronto.

Here is how YOU can be part of it.

Vaughan Mills Give to Sickkids

Lock in Your Love for SickKids

Help raise funds for Toronto SickKids by purchasing a padlock for $15 or 2 padlocks for $25 and dedicating it on the love lock wall #VMlovelockwall at Vaughan Mills. This event is located in the Sport Neighbourhood 4A entrance.

Vaughan Mills Give to Sickkids

A Keypsake that Keeps Giving!

Each padlock purchase includes a commemorative keypsake. Wear it in recognition of your donation, or give it as the perfect holiday gift to symbolize your donation to someone special. You can also purchase a necklace with meaningful tag for $18 to link your keypsake together.Vaughan Mills SickKids Love Wall

Here’s one more incentive for you to join this fundraising!


Share your Love Lock Story and you’ll have a chance to win a $200 Vaughan Mills gift card and a padlock to lock in your love at our Love Lock Wall.

All you have to do is:

1. Follow @vaughan_mills on Instagram
2. Like the Vaughan Mills 12 Days of Giving post on Instagram
3. Tag a friend
4. Comment on our Instagram post or share a video about who you will be locking in your love for
5. Winner will be announced on @vaughan_mills 12 Days of Giving  post on December 14th at 1:00pm and will win a $200.00 Vaughan Mills gift card and a padlock to lock in your love at our Love Lock Wall.
6. Profile must be public

Vaughan Mills SickKids Love Wall

Thank you again to Katie for inviting us to the media launch event! We definitely hope the event can be a success and can raise $150,000 for Toronto SickKids before Christmas!

Katie Zappieri Vaughan MillsHope everyone will have a wonderful Christmas! In the mean time check out my Instagram – Mizzmok for more lifestyle ideas!

Fashion 👜 | Traveller ⛩️ | Foodie 🍣 Toronto based digital content creator, micro influencer, and blogger

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